Sunday, December 18, 2022

The Ultimate Vacation Packing List For A Beach House Trip

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Getting ready for a beach house trip can be both exciting and stressful. There is nothing like being out in nature, surrounded by nothing but the sand, sun and sea. However, it’s easy to forget some essential items when packing for a beach house adventure. To ensure that you have everything you need and nothing you don’t, use this ultimate beach house packing list.

Clothing and Swimwear

No beach house vacation would be complete without packing a selection of clothing and swimwear. Depending on the length of your stay, you may want to pack a few more items than usual. When choosing your clothes, opt for lighter fabrics like cotton and linen, as well as quick-drying materials like nylon and polyester.

You should also bring a few different swimsuits, as one may not be enough for a beach house getaway. Consider bringing a few different types of swimwear, including bikinis, one-pieces, and cover-ups. Don’t forget to bring a few items of clothing to wear over your swimsuit, such as shorts and a light tank top. Also, bring a hat and sunglasses to protect yourself from the sun.

Beach and Pool Accessories

When you’re at a beach house, you’ll be spending a lot of time in the pool and on the beach. So don’t forget to pack a few accessories for your time in the water. Some beach and pool accessories to consider include a beach towel, a pool float, a snorkel and mask, and a pair of water shoes.

If you’re planning on going to the beach, you may want to bring a few extra items, such as a beach umbrella, beach chairs, and a beach bag. Other useful items include a beach blanket, a waterproof phone case, and a cooler to keep your drinks cold.


In today’s technologically advanced world, it’s almost impossible to go on vacation without bringing at least a few electronic devices. When packing for a beach house trip, make sure to bring your phone and charger, as well as any other electronics you may need, such as a laptop, tablet, and camera. Don’t forget to bring a set of headphones, so you can listen to music without disturbing your fellow beach house guests.

Toiletries and Sunscreen

Toiletries are a must when packing for a beach house trip. Make sure to bring all of your essential items, such as shampoo, conditioner, body wash, toothpaste and toothbrush, and deodorant. You’ll also want to pack a few extra items, such as a razor, a hair brush, and a nail file.

Sunscreen is also a must-have item. Make sure to pack a bottle of SPF 30 or higher with both UVA and UVB protection. You should also bring lip balm with SPF protection, as well as an aloe vera gel to soothe any sunburns you may get.

First Aid Kit

It’s always a good idea to bring a first aid kit when traveling, and this is especially true when you’re going to a beach house. Make sure to pack a few basic items, such as bandages, antibacterial cream, painkillers, and bug repellent. If you’re planning on spending a lot of time in the sun, you may also want to bring an antihistamine and a hydrocortisone cream.

Food and Drinks

Most beach houses come with some basic kitchen appliances and utensils, so you may want to bring some food and drinks with you. Consider bringing a few non-perishable food items, such as granola bars, nuts, and dried fruit. You may also want to bring some beverages, such as juice, water, and wine. Finally, don’t forget to bring a few snacks, such as chips, popcorn, and crackers.

Miscellaneous Items

There are a few other items you may want to consider packing for your beach house trip. Consider bringing a few books and magazines, as well as a pair of binoculars to help you spot any wildlife. You may also want to bring a few items to entertain you in the evening, such as a deck of cards, a board game, and a Bluetooth speaker.

Finally, make sure to pack a few essentials, such as a flashlight, a pocket knife, and a few extra batteries. These items will come in handy if the power goes out or if you need to make a quick repair.


A beach house trip is one of the best ways to relax and unwind. To make sure you have everything you need, use this ultimate beach house packing list. With this list, you’ll be sure to have a stress-free and enjoyable beach house vacation.

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