Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Things To Know Before You Travel To France In 2023

What Americans can expect when traveling to France during the pandemic
What Americans can expect when traveling to France during the pandemic from thepointsguy.com

France's Entry Requirements

When planning a trip to France in 2023, it's important to know the entry requirements. Citizens of the European Union, United Kingdom, Andorra, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Norway, San Marino, and Switzerland can enter France without a visa. Other foreign nationals from visa-exempt countries may be required to obtain a short-stay visa or an airport transit visa prior to their journey. Those who are not from visa-exempt countries must apply for a short-stay visa from their nearest French embassy or consulate before traveling. Additionally, travelers must present a valid passport with at least three months of remaining validity and sufficient blank pages for entry and exit stamps.

Covid-19 Restrictions and Protocols

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, there are currently certain restrictions and protocols in place for travelers entering France. All travelers must provide proof of a negative PCR test taken within 48 hours of their arrival. This test must be presented to the border control agents upon entry. If a traveler is unable to present a negative test, they will be subject to a PCR test upon arrival and may be required to quarantine for up to seven days. Additionally, travelers must fill out a ‘sworn statement’ form prior to their departure, which can be done online. Lastly, travelers should be aware that the French government has implemented a nightly curfew from 8pm to 6am. During this time, traveling is not permitted, except for essential reasons.

Proof of Health Insurance

Travelers visiting France in 2023 must present proof of sufficient health insurance coverage. The insurance must be valid for the duration of the trip, and it must provide coverage for medical expenses, repatriation, hospitalization, and any necessary medical treatments. Additionally, travelers should be aware that France’s national healthcare system does not cover the cost of medical care. Therefore, it is recommended that travelers purchase travel insurance prior to their trip to France.

Currency and Credit Cards

France is part of the European Union and the official currency is the Euro (€). Visitors will find that most businesses in France are accustomed to accepting credit cards, including international cards such as Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Diners Club. However, it is important to note that some smaller businesses may only accept cash. Therefore, it is recommended that travelers carry both cash and a credit card when traveling in France.

Language and Etiquette

The primary language spoken in France is French, although most people in the more touristy areas also speak English. It is courteous to greet shopkeepers and waiters in French when visiting France, and travelers should also be aware of the appropriate etiquette. For example, visitors should always wait to be seated in restaurants, and they should also remember to say ‘bonjour’ when entering a shop. Additionally, travelers should be aware that tipping is not necessary in France, as the government has made it illegal to do so.

Transportation and Accommodation

Travelers to France in 2023 can choose from a variety of transportation options, including planes, trains, buses, and cars. The country is also well-connected by an extensive network of highways and roads. For those looking for accommodation, France offers a wide range of options, from budget guesthouses to luxury hotels. Additionally, travelers may want to consider renting an apartment or house for a more local experience.

Safety and Emergencies

France is generally a safe country for travelers, but visitors should still be aware of pickpockets and other petty crimes. Travelers should also be aware of the emergency telephone numbers, including the police (112), fire (112), and ambulance (112). Additionally, travelers should be aware of the local laws and customs of France, and they should remember to always carry identification.


Traveling to France in 2023 can be a wonderful experience, but it is important to be aware of the entry requirements, Covid-19 restrictions and protocols, proof of health insurance, currency and credit cards, language and etiquette, transportation and accommodation, and safety and emergency protocols. By being aware of these things before traveling, visitors can ensure that their journey to France is safe, enjoyable, and memorable.

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