Monday, March 13, 2023

How Did George And Lennie Start Traveling Together?

Of Mice and Men; 8 rules; & race report inspiration by David
Of Mice and Men; 8 rules; & race report inspiration by David from

The Friendship of George and Lennie

George Milton and Lennie Small are two characters who are the protagonists in John Steinbeck’s novella, Of Mice and Men. They were two lonely and outcasts who, despite their differences, were ultimately friends. George was a small, quick-witted man, while Lennie was a large and mentally challenged man. George was the leader of the two, with Lennie as his companion, who often followed George’s orders. They had a unique bond, as if they were brothers, and they traveled together, searching for work and a better life.

The Great Depression

The time period of the novella is the 1930s, during the Great Depression. This period in history was the most difficult for people to find work, as most of the work had dried up and there were few job opportunities. This created a situation where people had to travel from place to place in order to find work, and this is what George and Lennie did.

The Start of Their Travels

George and Lennie’s journey started in Weed, California, where they were chased out of town by a local mob, who believed that Lennie was a threat to the local women. After narrowly escaping with their lives, the two men continued their travels and arrived in the small town of Soledad.

Soledad, California

In Soledad, they encountered Curley, the son of the local ranch owner. Curley had a bad attitude and was always looking for trouble. He was suspicious of the two men, and informed his father that they were looking for work. The ranch owner offered them jobs, and George and Lennie decided to stay for a while.

Working on the Ranch

George and Lennie worked hard on the ranch, and eventually became the best workers there. They began to save money, with the goal of eventually buying their own ranch. George was sensible and knew that if they had enough money, they could live the life they wanted.

Meeting Slim

On the ranch, they also met Slim, a skilled worker who was well-respected by the other ranch hands. Slim was different from the other men, as he was kind and understanding. He saw the bond between George and Lennie, and he offered them advice and guidance.

The Dream of a Better Life

George and Lennie had a dream of owning their own ranch, and they talked about it often. They wanted to have a place of their own, where they could be free from the troubles of the outside world. George was determined to make it happen, and he promised Lennie that it would come true if they kept working hard.

The End of Their Journey

Unfortunately, their journey ended in tragedy. After a misunderstanding, Lennie was accused of a crime and was put in jail. George had no choice but to leave Lennie behind, and the two men parted ways. George continued his travels, but never forgot about his friend.

The Legacy of George and Lennie

George and Lennie’s journey together is a testament to the power of friendship and loyalty. Despite the harshness of their lives, they were determined to make a better life for themselves, and they were willing to work hard to make it happen. Their story is an inspiration to many, and a reminder of the importance of friendship.

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